RTAPLS is a software product for the processing and visualization of process data in process control systems. Its main areas of application are complex, continuous processes in the chemical industry as well as in energy production and distribution.
Typical RTAPLS installations contain 10,000 to 100,000 process variables and process many thousands of process data changes per second.
Based on tried and proven technology, the latest software technologies and standards are integrated continuously into RTAPLS so that online data are available enterprise wide and in the office world with the help of the latest data access technologies and tools..
RTSELS is an information and management system based on Microsoft Windows for controlling and accompanying operation-oriented procedures. Due to its modular structure, RTSELS can be used in all areas of information visualisation and processing.
The system?s prominent features include the comprehensive options for designing user interfaces and optimal flexibility when linking to databases. This allows internal and external databases of various structures to be integrated and exchanged during operation.